

• 1 cup hazelnuts
• 1/4 cup coriander seeds
• ½ cup sesame seeds
• 2 tablespoons cumin seeds
• 1 T coarsely ground black pepper
• 1 tsp fennel seeds
• 1 tsp dried mint leaves, optional
• 1 tsp coarse salt

Roast the hazelnuts in the oven at 350F for about five minutes, taking care they don't burn. Optional: Whilst they are hot, rub with a tea towel to remove any excess skin and allow to cool. Some people do not remove the skins.

In separate batches, dry roast the seeds in an unoiled frypan until fragrant.

Using a food processor or mortar, grind the seeds to a coarse textured consistency (or as you prefer). Do the same with the hazelnuts, taking care to pulse the processor as a precaution (you don't want hazelnut butter). Combine ingredients in a bowl and season to taste. Adjust ingredients if necessary. Store in an airtight container in a cool place for up to 1 month.
Notes -- How to eat Dukkah:

Most people enjoy dukkah as a dip. Dip fluffy wads of fresh crusty bread into flavorful olive oil (white side down) and then dip into a bowl of dukkah mixture for a crunchy coating. I've been using avocado oil with great success, as it adds a creamy, almost sweet flavour. Dukkah and bread is quick for easy snacking and classy enough for any socialite's pre-dinner party nibbles.

Dukkah can be used as a rub, marinade or crust for chicken, fish or lamb. Or it can be scattered on pizza bases, rice, eggs, noodles, pasta, vegetables, crudites and salads.